Hello Veg!

I am sure you have hundreds of meal pictures rolling in but I think
you have not have one from Estonia (I clicked through your blog and
read all your previous posts one day...).

I am an university student in Tallinn but I also work in a smaller
college in a southern town called Viljandi.

I have always been attached to school as my parents are teachers. I
was known not to like many school lunches so my Mum came and saved me
many times (finishing up for me). As I grew I started to like more
vegetables and such.

The food system in general schools is that all children up until 9th
grade (end of secondary school) get their lunch for free, some
parishes also have high school lunch for free. The lunch is always a
hot meal (a soup and a dessert, a dish and salad etc) with bread and
drink. Often schools have cafe's or small booth to buy fast food/sweet
buns/chocolate etc and I am afraid these are also quite popular...

Anyway, here's my lunch back from October that I enjoyed a lot! At our
diner we usually have at least 2-3 daily choices and a soup or two, at
least one dish is vegetarian (like mine that day).

On the left a red cabbage and beet-root salad, on the right boiled
rice (I skipped the sauce). On top of it, a slice of baked zucchini
with cheese and tomatoes. Some rye bread and my cup of coffee (I had a
very long lecture so I decided for coffee this time, but I usually have
water) It was very very delicious and I especially enjoyed the
scrumptious salad, very fresh and tasty! I think I like red cabbage
way more than usual or any salad leaves...

Food-o-meter- 10/10
Mouthfuls- a lot, forgot to count
Courses- main, salad
Health Rating- 10/10
Price- 2.30€ / 1.9 GBP
Pieces of hair- 0

Best wishes
Hannele, from Estonia
p.s - I miss Scotland a lot. I lived in Edinburgh and worked in
Livingston for one year and I must say Scotland is one of my favorite
places to be!
Reviewed by Doctor Smile on November 21, 2012 Rating: 5

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