Technical Difficulties Taken Care Of

Yesterday seemed to be the day for technical difficulties here on the blog...
First, I apologize to anyone who tried to comment but had an issue with the Google + deal.  Someone suggested I turn it on because it made things so much easier...  Little did I know that in doing so it would REQUIRE you to have a google+ account! 

Now I know that's a selling point for Google but I'll tell you what, I don't want to require you to do anything.  It's ridiculous so I tried to turn it off numerous times and kept hitting road blocks. 
Sadly when I finally did get it turned off it wiped out several comments.  I'm sorry to those folks...I appreciate your taking time to comment but I don't know how to fix it.  They make this stuff so blinkin' complicated.
For anyone who visited the site yesterday and got a strange message about sitemeter - it's gone too!  Apparently most people who use sitemeter had the same issue and got the same question so while it wasn't just me there is no quick fix so I just deleted it.  After trying all sorts of things to make it stop I figured that was the easiest and best solution to the problem.   

I don't have a visible visit meter now but at least blogger keeps track of it as well. 
I hate it when these places offer nifty ways to be connected, network, and spread the word and all but dang it sucks when they don't keep track of or fix problems on a timely basis.  That's why I dropped the Rubber Stamping Top 50 gadget kept showing up as a malicious spyware or something or other. 
Anyway, problems taken care of...
for now
<knock on wood>
everything seems to be back to normal! 
Technical Difficulties Taken Care Of Technical Difficulties Taken Care Of Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 27, 2013 Rating: 5

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