O.k...I'm going to do something I normally don't do...
I'm going to jump on my soap box here for a moment and talk about the very sad state of affairs this world is in.
Disclaimer - I'm going to complain about what I see as stupidity...
Wal-Mart was recently criticized for selling the costume shown below because it was titled "Naughty Leopard"....
A couple of bloggers (who obviously have corn cobs up their butts) were complaining and raising a stink because of the word "Naughty"... and I quote....“What sort of parent buys a costume like this for their little girl? What sort of mind designs it?
This is far tamer than what many people dress their kids up on a regular, daily basis. If it's the word Naughty that's got them going then they need to get THEIR minds out of the gutter and get over themselves. For craps sake - it's Halloween...time to dress up and have fun.
Apparently there are fewer and fewer politically correct costumes you can dress your kid in now a days.... in the same article on Yahoo - "Wal-Mart Yanks Scandalous Kids' Costume After Uproar" devil costumes, psycho and mental patients are out; no guns...sorry cowboys - but that's o.k.. cause it's not appropriate or PC to dress up as an Indian either.
Some educated ying-yang wrote, "People should be thinking about costumes for young children that might encourage play or learning,” she said. “Like costumes that have some meaning in a child’s world, and could maybe encourage them to crawl around and actually pretend to be a cat.”
PALEEZE (yes, I know it's spelled wrong) - Halloween is NOT an educational opportunity for gosh shakes, it's a time for kids to dress up and have FUN. Do any of these uptight nimrods know what that is?!?!
Apparently, nobody remembers their costumes when they were kids? I was a princess, Dracula, Wonder Woman, Bat Girl, a Tiger, and more.... I suppose the Red Cross is going to make a facebook page (a group of people have something similar - referred to in the article) against dressing up as Dracula or vampires because they cut in on their business?!?!? Shoot, why not one for the Zoological Society too...after all ~ NONE of the animal costumes are anatomically correct. Or how about a ban on all Super Hero costumes because everyone knows they originated in comic books and gosh, didn't I read somewhere that they rot your brain...
I think all these people who are protesting this, banning that and just complaining in general need to shut up and get a life. I mean after all, what's next....Making Santa change the name of his "List" to Disobedient and Obedient???? Oh but wait, it's not really appropriate to discipline your children for their bad behaviors now is it? They're just expressing themselves....at least that's what I read on a blog somewhere. So, let's see...even if you're a snot nose, mouthy little brat, it's o.k. because people don't really have to take RESPONSIBILITY for their actions or the actions of their children anymore...
So, Santa should just toss the whole list idea and reward you no matter what...
we wouldn't want to single out or scar anyone now would we?
Gosh, it's a wonderful world ain't it?
(and yes, I'm sure I'm going to scar you for a good long time by using ain't instead of isn't.)
O.k...rant over, stepping down off my soap box.
The Sad State of Trick-or-Treating in Our Day and Age....
Reviewed by Doctor Smile
September 26, 2013
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