Design Challenge - Block One - Quilt Neighbors

My last post (found HERE) explains the Design Challenge I'm participating in with my local quilt guild.  As I started dreaming of ways to use the challenge 6 1/2" blocks in a completely new quilt design, I started thinking of all of the Barn Quilts that I see whenever I travel Interstate 81 from Upstate New York to my hometown in Tennessee.  I've always got my eyes open, hoping to spot a pretty painted quilt block on the side of someone's old barn.

Instead of barns....why not houses...why not a neighborhood?  Each home would display a quilt....a village of quilting neighbors!!  :)

Why not something like this????

After looking at my EQ7 software and seeing several "house" blocks with slanted roofs and complicated piecing involved, I decided to design an easy block, easy and quick to rotary cut and quick to piece together.

Here is what I came up with....the blank space is where my Challenge blocks (or ANY 6 1/2" unfinished quilt block design) will fit.

So easy to cut and piece together....

This block is perfect for using your scraps....this is what you will need:

Diagram A - SKY - two pieces that are 2" x 2 1/2" rectangles

Diagram C - SKY - one piece that is 2" x 5 1/2" rectangle

Diagram B - CHIMNEY - two pieces that are 2" x 2" squares

Diagram D - ROOF - one piece that is 5" x 12 1/2" rectangle - this is the largest piece needed for the block.

Diagram H - DOOR- one piece that is 2 1/2" x 5 1/2" rectangle

Diagram E - HOUSE - one piece that is 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" rectangle

Diagram G - HOUSE - two pieces that are 1 1/2" x 5 1/2" rectangles

Diagram I - HOUSE - one piece that is 1 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangle

Diagram F - Quilt Block - any quilt block design that is an unfinished 6 1/2" square.  In my case, one of the Challenge blocks provided to me.

When placed together, your pieces should look like this....

Let's piece the block together in sections.

First sew together the sky and chimney pieces.... (A+B+C+B+A)

Next...the door and house column sections on each side....(G+H+G)

Now sew the top house section (I) to the top of the door/house column section....

Next, sew any 6 1/2" quilt block to the far right section of the house (F+E).....

Now sew the door/house section to the quilt block section....

At this point, you should have three distinct sections of the house ready....

Almost finished.....

Sew the top SKY/CHIMNEY section to the roof.....

Then sew the bottom of the roof to the top of the house......

Your completed block should measure 12 1/2" x 12 1/2" square....

Yippee!   Whew!  What a relief!  The measurement is perfect.  Be sure to use a scant 1/4" seam.

Use your imagination!  Wouldn't it be adorable to make this block and have a completely different "quilt block" on the side of each home?  I don't have the luxury this time to use a different design for each house since I'm using the challenge blocks provided by my local guild.  Thankfully, even if my blocks are all the same design, at least they use different fabrics/colors in each block.

Now I need to continue digging through my scraps to make 11 more continue deciding HOW I will use these blocks to design a final quilt top. :) :)

If you decide to make this block....I'd love to see your interpretation!  Don't be shy!  I'd love to see pictures!!!

Until next time!
Design Challenge - Block One - Quilt Neighbors Design Challenge - Block One - Quilt Neighbors Reviewed by Doctor Smile on January 20, 2014 Rating: 5

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