Design Challenge Excitement

I know, you are wondering what the above picture has to do with a design challenge?  Well, let me tell you! :) :)

The quilt guild I attend decided to have six members participate in a design challenge.  We were each given 20 blocks that are 6 1/2" unfinished.  The photo shows only a few of the 20 blocks I was given.  All of the blocks are the same design, but are made from scraps and the majority of us received sets that had no color coordination whatsoever....totally scrappy!  The above blocks were made using one 3 1/2" center square, 4 identical 2" x 3 1/2" rectangles, and 4 identical 2" squares.  (I'm still having a hard time believing that one person willingly made 120 of these blocks, divided them into 6 groups of 20, then GAVE THEM  AWAY! My goodness....120 blocks is a quilt top!!!!!!!!!!)

The Challenge:

1.  Use at least TWELVE of the blocks in your completed design.

2.  Keep notes so that you can create a "pattern" that will be included in a future monthly newsletter.

3.  Select a month for your design reveal.


1.  You can add to the blocks, creating larger blocks

2.  You can cut the blocks into segments

3  You can add as many additional blocks to your design as you want provided you use at least twelve of the      blocks you receive.

I've never done anything like this before, but I'm up for the challenge!  Ideas are running through my mind at a frantic pace.

Can't wait to share my design thoughts with you very soon....hopefully in the next day or two!

Happy Quilting!
Design Challenge Excitement Design Challenge Excitement Reviewed by Doctor Smile on January 16, 2014 Rating: 5

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