My Wedding Re-Do!

Recently IMAGINE Crafts asked us to help celebrate and inspire folks with wedding themed projects.  Well, I've got a couple sons who are engaged but no dates have been set, no colors picked out, etc.  So that was out...I didn't know anyone who was getting hitched so I decided to have a re-do of my own wedding!

Dh and I got married back in 1986 - my colors were mauve and grey, very popular at the time but as I look back - not my favorite.  I decided that I would go with Blue, White and Gold this time around.   I also chose a puzzle theme that represents one of the verses we used - when 2 become 1 and I used a bit of vintage lace through out.

You're all invited to step back in time for my Wedding Re-Do!! 

I made a set of lovely candle sticks, an invitation re-do, giant puzzle place card holders, pillow favor boxes and "save the date" magnets shown below...

You can find all of the details on how I made these projects on the IMAGINE Crafts - Make page and see it on the IMAGINE Crafts Blog.

Thanks for joining me on this joyous occasion
almost 29 years later!

My Wedding Re-Do! My Wedding Re-Do! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on June 12, 2015 Rating: 5

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