Bunnies, Books and Other Things

Did you have a nice Easter?  I must say that this was a wonderful Easter for me.  I'm slowly learning to take things one day at a time, not to sweat the small stuff and to be happy and content each day I wake up!  It's only taken me 53 years to get the hang of it.

I wanted to make something special for Ava Jean so on Friday I pulled out a fabric book panel and had it finished within a couple of hours.  I think I've put together so many of them this past year or so that I can do it in my sleep.

I should have stopped with the book but no, I got the not so brilliant idea to make a stuffed mini bunny.

I quilt. I crochet. I've done needle work but I'm not a sewer of garments or toys like my mother (the master seamstress) has always been.

Had the pieces been larger, I'm sure it would have been much easier....but oh my goodness!

WHAT WAS I THINKING!  This little project took forever....but thank goodness I finally finished it on Saturday.  It only took two days!  Hahaha

It's little, but so cute!

All ready to give to this beautiful child.  She looks so precious in her Easter picture!

Early Sunday morning I received a text with this picture showing Ava so excited to check out her new socks and Cheerios found in her basket.

I also received a picture of my oldest daughter and grandchildren. They had travelled to SC to visit her in-laws.  This was an emotional trip for all involved with Greg's passing only 7 months ago.

Then I received more pictures from Tennessee.  Our youngest daughter is still away at college and wasn't able to come home. Thankfully, she was still able to be with family....her grandparents....(my parents).

My dad and mom....

My sister and my nephew traveled to TN from NC....

Back here in N.Y.  the rest of the family gathered to eat Easter dinner at my house.

With my husband....

With me.....

The beautiful flowers Emily brought ....

To finish our wonderful day....of course we had to hunt eggs.

I hope each of you had a blessed Easter.

Now I just need to get back to the sewing room!

Until next time!
Bunnies, Books and Other Things Bunnies, Books and Other Things Reviewed by Doctor Smile on April 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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