Library Permission Slip

If you watched my video, The 4-1-1 on Reading Instruction, then you likely heard me mention my library permission slip. Since I published that video, a bunch of you have reached out asking for a copy of the one I used.

I am going to attach my letter below, but a few things first:

1. I do not remember where this letter came from originally. I know that I made a bunch of modifications to the model that I used, so most of it is my work. But, I cannot find the original source of that model and I wish I could give him/her credit for this.

2. Please modify this letter to fit your needs and accommodate your classroom library. You want parents to give permission for kids to use your library, not mine.

3. It is always good to check with your school librarian and administration to be sure that you can even have YA and adult books on your shelves. Luckily, my district is very open to all literature and our school libraries are stocked with all kinds of books! All of the books on my shelves are available in our building library, so technically I don't even need a permission slip, but I do like having one just to keep parents aware and to keep me on the safe side :)

Okay... that being said, here is my letter:

 Dear Parent(s)/Guardians,

        Reading is one of the most important skills your child will develop during their school years. It is also the cornerstone of our classroom.Throughout this year, your child will read, and read, and read some more, as practice is the only way to ensure our kids will grow as readers. Some reading will be required, but your child will also have opportunities to choose his or her own book for independent reading. I work to help all students find a book that he or she will enjoy and will help him or her continue to grow as a reader.
        In order to better match students and books, I maintain a large classroom library. I work hard to keep my library updated and full of books that are interesting, challenging, and accommodating for all the learners in my classroom. I am sensitive to ensuring that I have appropriate material in my library, but you and I may define the word “appropriate” in different ways. Because of this, I ask you to be aware of what your child is reading, so you may approve of the content. The books range from elementary to college level (everything from the beloved picture book, Goodnight Moon, to the works of Stephen King, master of the horror genre), so your participation is essential in guiding your child to appropriate and challenging material for him or her. Some books have been donated/purchased recently, and I have not had a chance to read them all, but I do my best to ensure the quality of the books available in my library.
        The books in my classroom library are never assigned, and some students may choose to read books from home or from your local library instead. Some students use the library often; others never at all. But, any student who checks books out of my library must have a parent or guardian sign below indicating that this classroom library letter has been read and understood.
        If you would like to meet and/or discuss our classroom library, feel free to call or email me. Thank you for your understanding!
(Your best bet would be to copy and paste this onto school letter head (or any document of your choosing) and include a line for them to sign at the bottom.)

Hope that helps!

Library Permission Slip Library Permission Slip Reviewed by Doctor Smile on April 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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