Christmas Memories Block 4 Quilt-A-Long

Ta Da......FINALLY finished Block 4 of the free "I Wish You A Merry Quilt-A-Long".  This block is called Christmas Memories and it is a beautiful block BUT it was a humdinger to applique.  I'm sure for those of you who do applique projects often and enjoy doing them you would have a blast with this one.  For someone like me?  Someone who detours around applique whenever possible?  Boy, oh boy.....let's just say there was an audible sigh of relief when I completed this block last night.

I challenged myself in the very beginning to ONLY USE SCRAPS and NOT CUT INTO LARGE PIECES OF FABRIC OR EVEN FAT QUARTERS.

I have a large box of scraps, assorted sizes of chunks and strings of fabric from past projects.  I dig through it until I find a piece that is just the right size to make whatever the next step needs.  Granted, there are a couple places that I'd prefer something different if I was willing to shop for or cut into FQs and yardage pieces....but scraps I have and scraps I will use! :)

You can find the free tutorial and pattern to download HERE:

And if reading from an email....

Here are my first 4 blocks together....

It's not too late for you to join in all the fun if you haven't already done so!

I'll be working on other projects while I wait for Block 5 to be released on Tuesday of next week.

If you are in the path of Hurricane Irma....PLEASE BE SAFE!  My prayers are with you!

Until next time!
Christmas Memories Block 4 Quilt-A-Long Christmas Memories Block 4 Quilt-A-Long Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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