Santa Suit Block 3 - Christmas Quilt-A-Long

New blocks for the free I Wish You A Merry Quilt-A-Long are typically released every two weeks.  For this two week period, there were actually two different blocks released.

Block 3 is called Santa's Suit.

I normally do not change a designers vision for a pattern, especially for something like a quilt-a-long, BUT, in this case I did use a little bit of creative freedom.  The designer's tutorial calls for the suit to be solid red, no white strip down the center.  This block is adorable, simple and very quick.  As I started cutting pieces to assemble, I thought of the Santa suit we own that my husband will be wearing on Christmas morning when "Santa" delivers gifts to our grandchildren.  Our Santa suit has a white fur strip down the added the white. :)  As other participants are sharing photos of their blocks I've noticed that I'm not the only one with the same idea.

You can find the free tutorial and downloadable pattern HERE:

For those reading this post as an e-mail, below is the actual website...

First three blocks together...

Block 4 is a doozy!  I'm working on it now and will hopefully share it with you within the next day or two.

Until next time!
Santa Suit Block 3 - Christmas Quilt-A-Long Santa Suit Block 3 - Christmas Quilt-A-Long Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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